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Dinner with the Yale Club

We will have an unusual opportunity to hear from Daniel Gross, a top US and international financial and business writer, who has come out with his ninth book, a remarkable biography of famed banker Edmond J. Safra whom former World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn called "the greatest banker of his generation".

Daniel Gross will be introduced by Seth Goldschlager, YLS '71, who is advisor to the Edmond J. Safra Foundation that provided the author with exclusive access to Mr. Safra's archives, as well as numerous prior interviews with people who knew him.

We will hear not only about the unique story of the youth from Syria who built a banking empire on four continents and became, with his wife Lily, a fixture in social circles in New York, Paris, and Monaco, (including ownership of the Villa Leopolda, one of the most valuable properties on the Cote D'Azur) but also about business and finance today, which Dan continues to cover in articles and books

Date: October 25

October 9

Walk in the Fontainebleau forest

November 17

Book Club - The Aleph by Jose Luis Borges