• November 16 Yale-Harvard Game Prélude Happy Hour: Many young Yalies and Harvard grads met ahead of the 124th occurrence of The Game to cheer on their respective teams and socalize. (Harvard won The Game on November 17 by a score of 37-6, thus denying Yale an undefeated season and the Ivy League title.)

  • October 18 Harvard Cocktail Mixer: For the sixth year in a row, Yalies were a strong contingent at this perennial expat event on the Seine. Nine Yalies braved the strike to mingle with alumni from over 20 different colleges.

  • July 2 Annual Meeting: Fulfilling our legal obligation as an “Association 1901,” the Yale Club of France held its annual meeting. The President's review of events this past year and the Treasurer's report of the funds available were approved. Elections for the Club officers were also held. The current year's officers are listed here.

  • June 27 14th Annual All-Alumni Cocktail Reception: Yale had a strong turnout with 11 members attending this annual favorite. The reception was held as usual at the US Ambassador's residence.

  • June 25 Lecture by Professor Hansmann: In another joint event with the Harvard club, many Yalies turned out to hear Prof. Henry Hansmann of Yale Law School deliver a lecture on “Setting the standard for a performing judicial system in a globalized market: Providing international access to the world's best courts.” It was followed by a lively Q&A.

  • June 21 Yale/Harvard Awards Cocktail: Reviving a tradition, Yale and Harvard held a joint cocktail at the US Ambassador's residence, where the Yale Club presented its Book Award to three high school Juniors.

  • May 21 Gala Dinner with Jeffrey Garten: Professor Garten, former Dean of SOM and official of the Clinton Administration, spoke to an audience of 45 Yalies about “Serious Pressures on the Global Economy.” The speech was followed by a lively Q&A and a dinner that allowed the discussion to continue until late in the evening.

  • May Admissions: For September 2007 matriculation (Class of 2011), we had two students admitted to Yale College. Almost all of the 35 applicants from France were interviewed on time — many thanks to our interviewers.

  • May 5 Architectural Walk: Architect and architectural historian Ariela Katz '87 (Director of the Paris Program of the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation) again led a group of alumni on a three-hour walk in the 16th arrondissement. The walk focused on early 20th-century architecture and included a visit to Le Corbusier's Villa La Roche-Jeannere.

  • March 21 Freeman Lecture with Yale Alumni: 15 Parisian Yalies joined an equal number of alumni to hear Professor Freeman give an exciting talk on “America and France, Sister Republics”

March 16 Bal de l'X: Yalies partied away the night at their own table at this black-tie gala in the Opera Garnier.


